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Showing posts from September, 2020

Benefits of hiring a dot approved contractor for sidewalk repairs?

  The repair work of sidewalks calls for extensive details about the project. So, make sure to hire a contractor with necessary permits to perform the project smoothly and continue beholding the exquisite property of the surroundings. The contractor should hold the expertise of the construction domain with an inexplicable ability to keep the work top-notch. When it comes to sidewalk repairs, it needs perfection with durability as they can be mostly found linked to roads and alleys to help people walk through it from one place to another. The quality of the best sidewalk contractor can be evident by the work that DOT approves after inspecting the work. The deteriorated sidewalk needs an immediate update to prevent accidental events and injuries. Dangerous sidewalks, uneven or broken sidewalks have chances to receive a notice of violation from DOT. If ever you receive notice on the mentioned conditions, make sure to perform repairs within 75 days otherwise, DOT has the right to perform